Our Tiny House Arrives Home

It’s finally here!
On March 14th, 2019 Leesa and I signed a contract with Thimble Homes to build us a tiny house frame, put a metal roof on it, and deliver it to our concrete pad.
Around June 12th our tiny house frame arrived at Thimble Homes after making its trek across the Rockies from the manufacturer, Trailer Made Custom Trailers in Olathe, Colorado.
On July 3rd our tiny house was here, successfully making its 51 mile journey from Newberg.
The driver, Paul Kauffman, did an amazing job of maneuvering around nursery stock, expertly positioning the trailer onto the pad. There was not a lot of space to deal with. Fortunately it had not rained in a couple of days so mud wasn’t really an issue.

Paul wasn’t happy with his first attempt at alignment which apparently wasn’t straight by about an inch from side to side. His second attempt lined the trailer onto the pad perfectly.
Our TINY HOUSE was now ready to begin its transformation into our TINY HOME!